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Hughes Advocacy Press Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Krista Hughes (205) 478-9828

Birmingham Company at the Forefront of Private Patient Advocacy

Hughes Advocacy Takes Patient Care to Next Level

Birmingham, AL -- Private patient advocacy is among the fasted growing professions in the U.S., and a Birmingham company, Hughes Advocacy, is at the forefront of this development. According to CEO Krista Hughes, complexities in healthcare and concerns about the quality of medical are contributing to the rise of this new profession.

“Patients and their families are often confused about what to do with medical diagnoses,” Hughes said. “They need help exploring their options and finding the right care. Sometimes patients need someone to accompany them to medical appointments or just sit by their bedside.”

According to the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates, caregivers are reaching out to independent advocates for direct services and for peace of mind. private patient advocates assist with finding answers and resources for issues involving simple to chronic medical diagnoses.

Although each case is different, Hughes said, the need for help in navigating the healthcare system is consistent. She said private patient advocates work exclusively for the patient and their caregivers, whereas hospital advocates often work for medical institutions and insurance providers. “We all exist to serve patients, however, the private patient advocate is totally focused on the client’s needs,” said Hughes.

Hughes’ passion for patient advocacy was born after working almost 17 years in the medical industry as a medical device representative in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Florida Panhandle. Her primary focus was in the operating room where she was exposed to various clinical situations and patient needs. This knowledge and awareness now influences her efforts to support others in healthcare matters.

A graduate of Auburn University and the University of Alabama, Hughes said patient advocacy services also benefit large and small employers by helping reduce the caregivers’ lost time at work due to medical appointments and other matters. “I’m motivated to help consumers and caregivers better manage their healthcare and relationships with medical providers,” she said.

Hughes Advocacy is based in Birmingham, Alabama.




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