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Patient Safety


Krista Hughes, Founder and CEO of Hughes Advocacy

Telephone: 205-478-9829

One-in-three patients are accidentally harmed in the hospital: professional advocates help patients navigate the complicated system for safer, better care.

In the early ‘70’s there were two medical care providers for every hospital patient, now it’s more like fifteen! The good news is that we have more highly trained specialists – but that’s the bad news, too. How do we keep track of all of their advice, which may even conflict at times?

That’s exactly why professional advocate, Krista Hughes, keeps so busy. As a medical device rep for many years in hospitals, she worked closely with all types of doctors, learning to speak the language and learning the landscape of the Healthcare System.

Krista Hughes has just the kind of “insider” expertise needed to help patients and their loved one’s navigate the increasingly complicated world of health care. She also has “people” skills that allow her to go to bat for her clients, while maintaining good professional relationships with their doctors. Krista Hughes is at the forefront of a fast-growing new profession of professional patient advocates and is the First and Only in the state of Alabama. (

As the population ages, more and more of us will require hospital care. In addition to our personal health concerns, we’ve all heard a “hospital story”, which is cause for additional worry. A 2011 study revealed that one-third of hospital patients is accidentally harmed during care. So, in addition to serving as an advocate for individuals, Krista Hughes teaches groups about how to safeguard hospital care as the Education Director in Alabama for CampaignZERO. Families for Patient Safety (,

Krista Hughes offers a CampaignZERO Workshop which teaches what to look for and what to do to help prevent you and your loved ones from becoming “a hospital story.” Ninety-nine percent (99%) of participants rate the CampaignZERO workshop as “exceeding expectations.” Everyone leaves with new skills and new confidence to be effective advocates for their loved ones in the hospital. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Krista Hughes at




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