September is Sepsis awareness month and Hughes Advocacy would like to help raise awareness and save lives from this infection. Did you know that sepsis is the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals? Sepsis costs our healthcare system more than $24 billion a year! It is the #1 cause of readmissions to the hospital each year. Hiring a patient advocate could assist in preventing this deadly infection affecting you or your loved one.
What is the definition of sepsis? It is the body’s overwhelming response to infection, which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, amputations, and death (cited Sepsis Alliance). Your risk of reducing this infection can be prevented and treatment options are available.
How to recognize symptoms of sepsis:
S - Shivering, fever, or very cold
E - Extreme pain or general discomfort (“worst ever”)
P - Pale or discolored skin
S - Sleepy, difficult to rouse, confused
I - “I feel like I might die”
S - Shortness of breath
If you have a combination of these symptoms, please call 911 or go immediately to the hospital. Please make sure that you let your medical professional know, “I AM CONCERNED ABOUT SEPSIS!”
Here are some of the Human Cost to this infection:
It is the largest killer in children - more than from pediatric cancer
258,000 people die from sepsis each year - one every 2 minutes (this is more than prostate cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS combined)
Approximately 38 sepsis patients require amputation
as many as 80% of sepsis deaths could have been prevented with rapid diagnosis and treatment
To learn more information, please contact Hughes Advocacy. As a private patient advocate, we can work with you and your family in recognizing the symptoms of sepsis. We also assist in preventing a possible readmission to the hospital after a procedure or hospital stay. Contact Krista Hughes at hughesadvocacy@gmail.com
